Habib Rahimi


Update: 2025-03-07

Habib Rahimi

Institute of Geophysics / Department of Seismology

Journal Papers

  1. "Investigation of changes in the cumulative number of magnetic anomalies before and after earthquakes using satellite data"
    Homayoon Alimoradi, Habib Rahimi, Mohsen Ovaisi Moaakhar
    ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Vol. 12, No 152, 2024
  2. "The crustal and upper-mantle structure beneath NW Iran: an integrated analysis of surface waves and gravity data"
    taghi shirzad, Shaghayegh VahidRavesh, Gholamreza Mortezanejad, somaye Abdollahi, Mohsen Kazemnia Kakhki, Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, mohamad hatami
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 239, No 2, pp.982-999, 2024
  3. "Successful Tests on Detecting Pre-Earthquake Magnetic Field Signals from Space"
    Homayoon Alimoradi, Habib Rahimi, Angelo De Santis
    Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No 3, 2024
  4. "Coda wave attenuation in the Zagros collision zone in southwest of Iran and its tectonic implications"
    امیر طالبی, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 22, No 52, 2024
  5. "First generation of a three-dimensional tomographic model for the uppermost mantle beneath the Zagros collision zone—constraints from full-waveform inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Solvi Thrastarson, Habib Rahimi, Heiner , Igel, Lion , Krischer, Michael
    Acta Geophysica, Vol. 12, No 5, 2024
  6. "Attenuation of High-Frequency Seismic Waves in NW Iran"
    Zahra ZARUNIZADEH, Seid Khalil Motaghi, Habib Rahimi
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 181, No 6, pp.1811-1829, 2024
  7. "Detection of the Pre-seismic anomalies in stratospheric temperature and radio emission using space-based observations"
    Faezeh Moayeri Manesh, Alireza Mahmoudian, Habib Rahimi
  8. "Filling the gap of seismic ambient noise taken from the earth by modification of the frequency content of the existing time series"
    محمدرضا نامنی, SeyedMohammadSadegh Jafari, Habib Rahimi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 17, No 3, 2024
  9. "Earthquake source parameters in Zagros region (Iran) from the time-evolutive P-wave displacement"
    Sahar Nazeri, FATEMEH ABDI, Amir Ismail, Habib Rahimi, Aldo Zollo
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, No 1, 2023
  10. "The upper crustal shear wave structure of the Zagros collision zone from local earthquake Rayleigh wave tomography"
    Shaghayegh Vahidravesh, Taghi Shirzad, Farzam Yamini Fard, Mohsen Kazemnia Kakhki, Simone Pilia, Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi
  11. "Tectonic Activities Description in the Ongoing Collision Zone of the Eurasia-Arabia Plates Using 2D Surface Waves Tomography"
    Seyed Hossein Abrehdari, Jon K. Karapetyan, Habib Rahimi, Eduard Geodakyan
    Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 23, No 2, pp.1-19, 2023
  12. "Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis for North Tabriz Fault"
    Mohamadreza Hosseine, Habib Rahimi
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 22, No 11, 2022
  13. "The Caucasus Territory Hot-Cold Spots Determination and Description Using 2D Surface Waves Tomography"
    Seyed Hossein Abrehdari, Jon K Karapetyan, Habib Rahimi, Eduard Geodakyan
    Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 22, No 4, pp.1-22, 2022
  14. "Shear-wave velocity structure of upper mantle along the Zagros collision zone"
    نجمیه محمدی, Habib Rahimi, Ali Gholami, surya pachhai, Abdelkarim AOUDIA
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 837, No 837, 2022
  15. "Stochastic Time-series Prediction Equation Using Wavelet Packets for Iran"
    Mohamad Reza Najaf Tomraye, Habib Rahimi, G. Tanircan, محمد شاهوار
  16. "Bayesian estimation of the spatiotemporal evolution of completeness magnitude in the Iranian earthquake catalog"
    محمود سروش, Habib Rahimi
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 26, No 3, pp.473-481, 2022
  17. "Estimation of τc, τmaxc and Pd, Earthquake Early Warning Parameters, for Northwest of Iran"
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 197, No 55, 2022
  18. "Performance of geophysical methods in determining fault zone at Darakeh Area (Tehran Province; Iran)"
    Mohsen Jahanbin, Seyed Reza Mehrnia, Hamidreza Shirvani-Mahdavi, Habib Rahimi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 197, No 104534, 2022
  19. "Qp, Qs, Qc, Qi, and $$Q_{{s_{c} }}$$ Attenuation Parameters in the Zagros Region, Iran"
    Amir Talebi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi, Mahmood Mirzaei, Ivan Koulakov
  20. "Three-dimensional P-wave tomography in the Central Alborz, Iran"
    Mahsa Afra, Taghi shirzad, Mohsen Farrokhi, Jochen Braunmiller, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Seyed-hani Motavalli-anbaran, Vahid Entezar-Saadat, Seyed Abdoreza Saadat
  21. "Ground-motion simulation for the 2017 Mw7.3 Ezgeleh earthquake in Iran by using the Empirical Green's Function Method"
    Maryam Pourabdollahi, Arezoo Dorostian, Habib Rahimi, Attieh Eshaghi
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 2, No 13, 2021
  22. "Slip distribution and rupture history of the August 11, 2012, double earthquakes in Ahar – Varzaghan, Iran, using joint inversion of teleseismic broadband and local strong motion data"
    Atefeh Saltanatpouri, Stephen Hartzell, Habib Rahimi, Rahmatollah Rouhollahi
  23. "Seismic interferometry ambient noise tomography—a study in the north-central part of Iran"
    Mohsen Beyginia, Habib Rahimi, Hooshmand Zandi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 14, No 5, 2021
  24. "Site classification and probabilistic estimation of Vs30 for the Iranian strong-motion network"
    Mohamad Reza Najaf Tomraye, Habib Rahimi, G. Tanircan, A. Babaie Mahani, Mohamad Shahvar
  25. "Evaluation of GPR method in identification hidden faults of Alluvial deposits in north of Persian Gulf artificial lake, twenty-two district of Tehran"
    Abbas Aliyannezhadi, Seyed Reza Mehrnia, Salimeh Kimiagar, Habib Rahimi, Nasrin Sadrmohammadi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 179, No 104108, 2020
  26. "Ongoing formation of felsic lower crustal channel by relamination in Zagros collision zone revealed from regional tomography"
    Amir Talebi, Ivan Koulakov, Ali Moradi, Habib Rahimi, Taras Gerya
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, No 1, 2020
  27. "2-D Surface Wave Tomography in the Northwest Part of the Iranian Plateau"
    Hooshmand Zandi, Habib Rahimi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 45, No 4, 2020
  28. "Coda wave attenuation's dependency on Lapse time and frequency in west of Iran plateau using local earthquakes"
    Rohlah Amirifard, G. Javan-Doloei, Mohsen Farkhei, Habib Rahimi, Majid Mahood
    ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 63, No 4, 2020
  29. "Simultaneous tomography of all periods in surface wave analysis"
    نجمیه محمدی, Ali Gholami, Habib Rahimi, Abdelkrim Aoudia
  30. "Coda wave attenuation in the northwestern Iran, using short time Fourier transform"
    Seyyedeh Leila Jafarian, رضا حیدری, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Habib Rahimi, Mirsatar Mashinchi Asl
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 23, No 4, pp.1-11, 2019
  31. "Estimation of kinematic source parameters and frequency independent shear wave quality factor around Bushehr"
    Hoda Mahmoodi, Habib Rahimi, Behzad Maleki
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 1, No 4, 2019
  32. "Attenuation of P and S waves in Western part of Iran"
    Rohlah Amirifard, غلام جوان دولویی, Habib Rahimi, Mohsen Farkhi
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 218, No 2, pp.1143-1156, 2019
  33. "Lateral variation of crust and upper mantle structures in NW Iran derived from surface wave analysis"
    Gholamreza Mortezanejad, Habib Rahimi, Fabio Romanelli, Gulinano Panza
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.1-32, 2018
  34. "Radial Anisotropy in the Upper Crust Beneath the Tehran Basin and Surrounding Regions"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Taghi Shirzad, Habib Rahimi
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 175, No 10, 2018
  35. "Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment for Alborz Region, Iran"
    Mahdi Rastgoo, Habib Rahimi, Fabio Romanelli, Franco Vaccari, Gulinano Panza
    ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, Vol. 242, No 242, pp.70-80, 2018
  36. "Deep structure of the Alborz Mountains by joint inversion of P receiver functions and dispersion curves"
    Mahdi Rastgoo, Habib Rahimi, Khalil Motaghi, Esmail Shabanian, Fabio Romanelli, Gulinano Panza
  37. "Coda Q in Qeshm Island, south of Iran, using aftershocks of the Qeshm earthquake of November 27, 2005"
    Habib Rahimi, Abas Gholamzade
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 10, No 11, 2017
  38. "Spatial variations of seismic attenuation in the North West of Iranian plateau from analysis of coda waves"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi, Sarog Mukhopadhyay
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 708, pp.70-80, 2017
  39. "The imaging of the near-surface features using earthquakes and ambient noise in the Tehran region"
    Samaneh Asadi, Habib Rahimi, Rohallah Amirifard
    Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 1, 2017
  40. "Separation of intrinsic and scattering attenuation in the crust of central and eastern Alborz region, Iran"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Hossein Hamzelou, Habib Rahimi, Mostafa Alame Zade
    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS, Vol. 253, No 253, pp.88-96, 2016
  41. "Lateral and depth variations of coda Q in the Zagros region of Iran"
    Mohsen Irandost, Farhad Sobuti, Habib Rahimi
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 19, No 3, pp.1-15, 2015
  42. "Estimation of Coda-Wave Attenuation in the Central and Eastern Alborz, Iran"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Hossein Hamzelou, Habib Rahimi, Mostafa Alame Zade
  43. "Shear-Wave Velocity Tomography of the Lithosphere–Asthenosphere System beneath the Iranian Plateau"
    Habib Rahimi, Hossein Hamzelou, Franco Vaccari, Gulinano Panza
  44. "Spatial and Temporal Variation of Coda-Wave Attenuation in the Faryab Region, Southeast of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Using Aftershocks of the Tiab Earthquake of 28 February 2006"
    Abas Gholamzade, Habib Rahimi, Faramarz Yaminifard
  45. "3D seismic imaging of P–wave velocity structure for upper–most mantle of the Zagros collision zone using full waveform inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Habib Rahimi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 50, No 1, 2024
  46. "Temporal and spatial variations of seismicity parameters before the occurrence of MN≥5 earthquakes in northeast Iran"
    [] [], محمد طالبی, Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 18, No 1, 2024
  47. "Identification of possible settlements using ground penetrating radar; case study: the intersection of Kargar St. above the Engelab square in Tehran"
    حمیدرضا قرهی, صفورا روضه خوان آخوری, Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 17, No 2, pp.1-10, 2023
  48. "Crust velocity structure beneath two seismic stations on the southern edge of the Central Alborz (Iran)"
    Mansore Mochan, Afsane Nasrabadi, محمدرضا سپهوند, Habib Rahimi
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 1, No 8, 2023
  49. "Identification of Pardisan fault traces around Milad tower using geomorphological investigations and processing of environmental vibrations"
    آریا ابوعلی, Habib Rahimi, Mohammad Foroutan, احمد زارعان
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. -, 2023
  50. "Determination of 3D seismic wave velocity in Zagros collision zone"
    Amir Talebi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. --, 2022
  51. "Investigation of deep and lateral changes of coda wave quality factor using short-time Fourier transform in northwest of Iran"
    Seyyedeh Leila Jafarian, Reza Heidari, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Habib Rahimi, Mirsatar Mashinchi Asl
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.241-251, 2022
  52. "Probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis for North Tabriz fault"
    محمذرضا حسیىی, Habib Rahimi, علی سىقری
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 15, No 3, 2021
  53. "Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in south-west gas fields in Iran"
    آناهیتا نورمحمدی, Habib Rahimi, بهزاد ملکی
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 7, No 2, 2021
  54. "Probabilistic estimation of site class for strong motion network stations of Iran using horizontal to vertical ratio of PGA and PSAs"
    Mohamad Reza Najaf Tomraye, Habib Rahimi, محمد شاهوار
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 7, No 1, 2021
  55. "Determination of crustal velocity structure of northeastern Iran from local earthquakes travel time inversion"
    Fateme Roostayi, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rastgoo
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 7, No 1, 2021
  56. "Investigation of the near-field and directivity effects in earthquake hazard analysis studies - a case study of Doroud fault"
    Behzad Maleki, Habib Rahimi, Mohamadreza Hosseine
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 47, No 1, 2021
  57. "simulation ..."
    مریم پورعبدالهی, آرزو درستیان, Habib Rahimi, اتیه اسحاقی
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. -, 2021
  58. "Estimation of shear wave velocity of soil in vicinity of Tehran strong motion stations using inversion of H / V spectral ratio"
    Amir Talebi, Habib Rahimi, Behzad Maleki
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 6, No 2, 2020
  59. "Application of geophysical and fractal methods in identifying alluvial sediment faults in Darakah area of Tehran"
    محسن جهانبین, سید رضا مهرنیا, حمیدرضا شیروانی مهدوی, Habib Rahimi
    Journal of Iranian Quaternary quarterly, Vol. 6, No 3, 2020
  60. "Separation of Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation in North-West of Iranian pleateau"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 29, No 114, 2020
  61. "Applying the characteristic magnitude distribution Model for North Tabriz Fault (NTF) in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) and its effects on acceleration parameter and hazard curve"
    Behzad Maleki, Habib Rahimi, وحید ملکی
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 45, No 3, 2019
  62. "Evaluation of geophysical methods in identifying hidden Quaternary faults located in alluvial sediments"
    عباس علیان نژادی, سید رضا مهرنیا, سلیمه کیمیاگر, Habib Rahimi, نسرین صدرمحمدی
    Journal of Iranian Quaternary quarterly, Vol. 5, No 2, 2019
  63. "Comparison of surface wave tomography results using the first order Tikhonov regularization and Yanovskaya-Ditmar (1990) method"
    نجمیه محمدی, Habib Rahimi, Ali Gholami
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 5, No 1, 2019
  64. "Crustal structure of NW Iran investigated by Love waves dispersion curve tomography"
    غلامرضا مرتضی نژاد, Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 12, No 3, 2018
  65. "Inversion of Rayleigh waves group velocity to shear wave velocity structure for the north-west of Iran"
    Reza Davoodian, Khalil Mottaghi, Farhad Sobooti, Habib Rahimi, Abdolreza Ghods
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 43, No 1, 2017
  66. "Estimation of earthquake magnitudes using coda wave duration in Zagros zone and southwest in central Iran"
    سمانه اسدی, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour, Rohlah Amirifard
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 43, No 1, 2017
  67. "Estimation of Coda wave attenuation in NW Iran"
    Zahra Zaroni Zade, Khalil Mottaghi, Habib Rahimi, Abdolreza Ghods
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 11, No 1, 2017
  68. "Estimation of compressional and shear wave quality factor in North West of Iranian Plateau"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 10, No 4, pp.97-111, 2016
  69. "Determination of Coda Wave Quality Factor in the North-West of the Iranian Plateau"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 25, No 100, pp.271-280, 2016
  70. "Two dimensional Rayleigh wave group velocity tomography in Northwestern part of Iranian Plateau"
    Hoshmand Zandi, Habib Rahimi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 42, No 2, 2016
  71. "Crustal velocity structure in northwest edge of the Central Iran zone"
    Mansore Mochan, Afsane Nasrabadi, Habib Rahimi, Mohammad Reza Sepahvand
    Applied Geophysical Research, Vol. 2, No 2, 2016
  72. "Estimation of shear wave velocity structure and Moho depth variations in the southeast of Iran, based on joint inversion of surface waves dispersion and P-wave receiver function"
    Mehdi Rastgho, Habib Rahimi, Hosein Hamzaloo, Vahid Gholami
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 10, No 4, 2016
  73. "Estimation of sediment shear wave velocity structure in Tehran region by using Love wave's dispertion curves"
    Rohlah Amirifard, Habib Rahimi, Farhad Sobuti
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 4, 2016
  74. "Two-Dimensional Rayleigh wave tomography for crust and uppermost mantle of Kopeh-Dagh (IRAN)"
    Farzad Mahdavyan Far, Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 10, No 2, 2016
  75. "Estimation of quality factor of coda waves in Makran region, southeast of Iran"
    Noshin Najafipour, Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 9, No 2, 2015
  76. "‫‪Estimation‬‬ ‫‪quality‬‬ ‫‪factor‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫‪Coda‬‬ ‫‪wave‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪northeast‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫‪Iran‬‬"
    Emad Alikhani, Habib Rahimi
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 41, No 1, 2015
  77. "‫‪Estimation‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫‪spectral‬‬ ‫‪attenuation‬‬ ‫‪relation‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪Zagros‬‬ ‫‪Region‬‬"
    Mohamad Reza Najaf Tomraye, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 41, No 1, 2015
  78. "Estimation of the kinematic source parameters and frequency independent shear wave Quality factor from acceleration records of the Ahar-Varzagan earthquake 2012"
    Neda Masominia, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 40, No 1, pp.15-27, 2014
  79. "Estimation of the two-dimensional tomography of phaseandgroup velocities and shear wave structure for Alborz region"
    Habib Rahimi
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 7, No 2, pp.21-36, 2013

Conference Papers

  1. "Reducing Uncertainty in Probabilistic surface displacement hazard analysis in Iran, Case Study: North Tabriz fault"
    M. Hosseini, Ali Songori, Habib Rahimi
    The First Confereance of Applied Geophysics in Mines 20-21 February 204 - Tehran, 2024
  2. "Potential earthquake precursory pattern of large Alpine- Himalayan earthquakes as seen by magnetic Swarm satellites"
    Angelo De Santis, همایون علیمرادی خمارتاجی, Habib Rahimi
    EGU2024, 2024
  3. "Innovative passive microseismic methods in oil and gas industry"
    M. Hosseini, D. Kiani Golshoori, A. Songhori, Habib Rahimi
    The First Confereance of Applied Geophysics in Mines 20-21 February 204 - Tehran, 2024
  4. "Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity Model for Upper-Most Mantel of Zagros Collision Zone Using Full Wave Form Inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Solvi Thrastarson solvi Thrastarson, Habib Rahimi, Michael Afanasiev Michael Afanasiev, Lion Krischer Lion Krischer, Bho Christian, Heiner Ige, Andreas Fichtner
    EGU2023, 2023
  5. "Three-dimensional waveform model of seismic speed for uppermost lithosphere of the Arabian-Eurasian collision zone using full waveform inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Solvi Thrastarson, Michael Afanasiev, Lion Krischer, Gunna Christiansen, Habib Rahimi, Heiner Ige, Andreas Fichtner
    AGU2022, 2022
  6. "Estimation of 2D and 3D shear wave velocity structure of crust and upper mantle of Northern part of Iranian plateaus'"
    Habib Rahimi
    CTBTO Science and Technology Conference 2019 (SnT2019)., 2021
  7. "Lithosphere seismic structure across the Zagros region from full seismic waveform inversion"
    ن معصومی نیا, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Solvi Thrastarson, Habib Rahimi, Lion Krischer, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Boehm, Andreas Fichtner
    AGU, 2020
  8. "Crustal structure of the Central Alborz, Iran from inter-event interferometry"
    Mahsa Afra, taghi shirzad, Jochen Braunmiller, Habib Rahimi, Mojtaba Naghavi
    EGU, 2020
  9. "3-D seismic full-waveform inversion of the Taurus-Zagros region in Iran and Turkey"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, solv Thrastarson, Habib Rahimi, Lion Krischer, Michael Afanasiev, Christian Bohm, Andreas Fichtner
    EGU, 2020
  10. "A new algorithm for surface wave Tomography and its application to the Iranian Plateau"
    Najmieh MOHAMMADI, Ali Gholami, Habib Rahimi, Abdelkrim AOUDIA
    SEE8, 2019
    Mehrdad ANSARIPOUR, Habib Rahimi
    SEE8, 2019
  12. "A new method in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment and Site Effect Exertion using Python Libraries in Kerman Region"
    نیما دولت آبادی, Faeze Amirian, Habib Rahimi, Ahmad Sadidkhouy
    3rd Trigger International Conference, 2019
  13. "Surface wave tomography of Rayleigh waves using the STP method in Iranian Plateau"
    Najmieh MOHAMMADI, Habib Rahimi, Ali Gholami, Karim Aoudia
    3th Trigger, 2019
  14. "Hybrid broadband strong-motion simulation of Malard Earthquake"
    Ensyeh Teymouri, Ahmad Sadidkhouy, Habib Rahimi
    3rd Trigger International Conference, 2019
  15. "3D seismic velocity model of the Taurus-Zagros region of Iran and Turkey using full-waveform inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Lion Krischer Lion Krischer, Habib Rahimi, Solvi Thrastarson solvi Thrastarson, Michael Afanasiev Michael Afanasiev, Andreas Fichtner Andreas Fichtner
    EGU, 2019
  16. "3D seismic velocity model of the Taurus-Zagros region of Iran and Turkey using full-waveform inversion"
    Neda Masouminia, Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden, Lion Krischer, Habib Rahimi, Thrastarson Thrastarson, Michael Afanasiev, Andreas Fichtner
    EGU, 2019
  17. "Characterization of Velocity Pulses on Ground Motion Records in Bam and Sarpol-eZahab(Kermanshah)Earthquakes,Iran"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    EAGE, 2018
  18. "Characterization of Velocity Pulses on Ground Motion Records in Bam and Sarpol-E-Zahab (Kermanshah) Earthquakes"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    EAGE, 2018
  19. "Simulation of Strong Ground Motion of Bam Earthquake Using Stochastic Finite Fault Method"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  20. "Full seismic waveform tomography for the Iranian plateau"
    Neda Masouminia, Andreas Ficthner, Habib Rahimi
    EGU General Assembly 2018, 2018
  21. "Full-waveform inversion for the Iranian plateau"
    Neda Masominia, Andreas Fichtner, Habib Rahimi
    AGU, 2017
  22. "coda waves application in obtaining the path and source effects"
    Mehrdad Ansaripour, Habib Rahimi
    7th international conferance on seismology & Earthquake Engineering, 2015
  23. "Qp, Qs and Qc attenuation parameters in the crust of Alborz region , iran"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Hossein Hamzelou, Habib Rahimi, Mostafa Alame Zade
    7th international conferance on seismology & Earthquake Engineering, 2015
  24. "New approach for simutaneous estimation of Qs and Qc"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Habib Rahimi, Hossein Hamzelou
    7th international conferance on seismology & Earthquake Engineering, 2015
  25. "An investigation of seismicity and lithospheric features of the Zagros region, SW Iran, using coda wave attenuation"
    Mohsen Ahmadzade, Habib Rahimi, Farhad Sobuti
    GeoMod2014, 2014
  26. "Estimating spectral attenuation relation and evaluatin quality factor in Zagros Region"
    Mohamad Reza Najaf Tomraye, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    32th national & 1th international Geosciences congress. 2014, februray, 2014
    Neda Masominia, Mehdi Rezapour, Habib Rahimi
  28. "Moment tensor inversion exact calculated Green function in southeastern Iran"
    Mehdi Rastgho, Habib Rahimi
    The 8th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology, 2013
  29. "Estimation of source parameters and path effects by using two main events ocurred in NW Iran in 2012"
    Neda Masominia, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    Joint IUGG Assembly Gothenburg, 2013
  30. "variation ..."
    [] [], Habib Rahimi, محمد طالبی, علی شاهسوند, Arman Karamkhani
    The 41th National Geosciences Congress, 2023
  31. "investigation ...."
    [] [], Habib Rahimi, محمد طالبی, علی شاهسوند
    3th, 2023
  32. "Earthquake hazard estimation and seismic zoning in Tehran area"
    علی شاهسوند, [] [], Habib Rahimi
    20th ...., 2022
  33. "Gap filling in earthquake seismograms by combining Empirical mode decomposition and Singular Spectral Analysis (SSA)"
    غزاله اسمعیلی, Ali Gholami, Habib Rahimi
    20th ...., 2022
  34. "Investigation of changes in the cumulative number of magnetic anomalies before and after earthquakes using satellite data"
    همایون علیمرادی خمارتاجی, Habib Rahimi, محسن اویسی مؤخر
    20th ...., 2022
  35. "Seismic Precursors - Seismic Parameters"
    [] [], علی شاهسوند, Habib Rahimi
    20th ...., 2022
  36. "Identification of magnetic anomaly patterns of Iranian plateau earthquakes using satellite data"
    Habib Rahimi, همایون علیمرادی خمارتاجی, محسن اویسی مؤخر
    The Second National Conference on Signal and Image Processing in Geophysics, 2022
  37. "Application of low frequency seismic noises in the identification of geological structures, faults and hydrocarbon reservoirs"
    Habib Rahimi
    5th, 2021
  38. "Magnetic field variation before and after earthquakes in swarm satellite data"
    همایون علیمرادی, Habib Rahimi, محسن اویسی موخر
    5th, 2021
  39. "Detection of subsurface heterogeneities around Milad Tower in Tehran by the microseismic sounding method"
    آریا ابوعلی, Habib Rahimi, Mohammad Foroutan, احمد زارعان
    5th Petroleum Geophysical Exploration Conference, 2021
  40. "Probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis due to North Tabriz fault"
    Mohamadreza Hosseine, Habib Rahimi, بهزاد ملکی
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  41. "Shallow crustal shear wave structure of the Zagros zone from Rayleigh Waves Tomography"
    شقایق وحید روش, Taghi Shirzad, Farzam Yamini Fard, Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  42. "Monitoring of earthquake velocity changes Hojedk Earthquake of Kerman region using moving window cross spectrum and phaseWeighted method"
    جمیل ربیع نژاد, Habib Rahimi, Behzad Maleki
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  43. "Subsurface imaging of the Pardisan fault zone (central Tehran) using ambient vibration HVSR technique"
    آریا ابوعلی, Habib Rahimi, Mohammad Foroutan, احمد زارعان
    19th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2020
  44. "The 3D temperature structure of the upper mantle in NW Iran"
    غلامرضا مرتضی نژاد , Habib Rahimi
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  45. "2D Local Earthquake Tomography of Rayleigh Waves in Northwest of Iran"
    [] [], Rohlah Amirifard, Habib Rahimi
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  46. "Feasibility study of monitoring earthquake precursors in Iran"
    Habib Rahimi
    19th geophysics Conf, 2020
  47. "Application of Ground Penetrating Radar method to detection of possible and hidden Faults of Tehran Persian Gulf artificial lake"
    عباس علیاننژادی, سید رضا مهرنیا, نسرین صدرمحمدی, سلیمه کیمیاگر, Habib Rahimi
    12th, 2020
  48. "Investigation of the effect of load on the correlation coefficients between the reference function and the current resulting from the reciprocal correlation of seismic noise"
    محمدرضا نامنی, Habib Rahimi
    CAUTECH, 2019
  49. "Monitoring the fault zone causing a white rock earthquake with a magnitude of 1.9 with actions Cross-spectral moving window method on ambient seismic noises"
    محمدرضا نامنی, Habib Rahimi
    CAUM, 2019
  50. "probabisitic seismic hazard analysis in qom region"
    محمود سروش, Habib Rahimi, Morteza Fatahi
    6th.National Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 2019
  51. "Earthquake seismic hazard assessment in Gas filed - south of iran"
    آناهیتا محمدی, Habib Rahimi, محمد شاهوار
    CUM2018, 2018
  52. "Shear velocity structure of NW Iran and surrounding area"
    Gholamreza Mortezanejad, Habib Rahimi
    18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  53. "Separating of Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation in North-West of Iran"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  54. "Simulation of Near-Fault Bam-Ground Motion Using Hybrid Green’s Function"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  55. "Inversion of Rayleigh waves group velocity to shear wave velocity structure in the NW Iran"
    رضا داودیان, Khalil Motaghi, Farhad Sobooti, Habib Rahimi, رضا قدس
    18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  56. "Hybrid Stochastic Finite Fault Modeling of 2000, M5.6, Bam Earthquake"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    Architecture and Urban Development Iran Tehran - August 16, 2017, 2017
  57. "The effect of characteristic earthquake of NTF in estimation of strong motion parameter’s using PSHA and simulation of controlling earthquake"
    Behzad Maleki, Habib Rahimi, Vahid Maleki
    National Conferance of construction in earthquake ...., 2017
  58. "An efficient algorithm to identify strong velocity pulses in multi component ground motions of Bam earthquake"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    The 5th International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology Innovations (ICSETI), 2017
  59. "seismic hazard assessment using probeblistic and Mono Carlo simulation method"
    Somaye Shakiba, Habib Rahimi, Mehrdad Pakzad
    The 20 symposium of geological society of Iran, 2016
  60. "Magma Chamber Investigation of Damavand Volcano"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Hossein Hamzelou, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Habib Rahimi, Mostafa Alame Zade
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  61. "Estimation of earthquake magnitudes using coda wave duration in Zagros"
    Samaneh Assadi, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  62. "Estimation of the kinematic source parameters and frequency independent shear wave attenuation coefficient of the 9th April, 2013 Kaki-Bushehr in Southern Iran"
    Hoda Mahmodi, Habib Rahimi, Reza Saberi
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  63. "Clear Evidence Related to under Thrusting of Caspian lithophere beanth Alborz Based on shear wave velocity strucure"
    Mehdi Rastgoo, Habib Rahimi, Hossein Hamzelou
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  64. "Determination of Coda wave quality factor in the north-west of Iran region"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    17th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2016
  65. "Determination of body wave quality factor from occurred earthquakes in the NW of Iran region"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Habib Rahimi, Ali Moradi
    17th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2016
  66. "Moho Depth variation in southern part of Alborz by using joint invertion of dispertion curves and reciver function"
    Mansore Mochan, Afsane Nasr Abadi, Habib Rahimi
    secound international conferance of geo ..., 2015
  67. "magnitude"
    Samaneh Assadi, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    se, 2015
  68. "magnitude estimat"
    Samaneh Assadi, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    se, 2015
  69. "improve estimation of site effect by using CEEMD"
    Mehrdad Ansaripour, Habib Rahimi
    7th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE7), 2015
  70. "coda ave application to estimate magnitude"
    Mehrdad Ansaripour, Habib Rahimi
    7th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE7), 2015
  71. "Vertical and lateral variation of coda wave attenuation in Makran"
    Noshin Najafipour, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  72. "Ambient noise surface wave tomography across the Alborz zone"
    Mohsen Beygi Nya, Habib Rahimi, َAmin Abbasi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  73. "Coda Q in the Qeshm Island, South Iran Using Aftershocks of the Qeshm Earthquake of November 27, 2005"
    Abas Gholamzade, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  74. "Velocity structure in North part of Iranian Plateau"
    Habib Rahimi, Farzad Mahdavyan Far, Hoshmand Zandi, Mohsen Beygi Nya
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  75. "Dimensional Tomography of surface wave dispersion curves in Makran"
    Shila Moghtadr Dizaj, Habib Rahimi, Abdol Reza Ghods
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  76. "Classification of soil types in Tehran Accelerograph stations using H / V"
    Amir Talebi, Habib Rahimi, Hamid Reza Talebi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  77. "Estimation of coda wave attenuation in the Northwest Iran"
    Zahra Zaroni Zade, Seid Khalil Motaghi, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  78. "surface wave tomography of Northwest Iran"
    Hoshmand Zandi, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  79. "Surface wave tomography of the crust and upper mantle of Kopeh-Dagh region"
    Farzad Mahdavyan Far, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  80. "Shallow seismic tomography of surface waves in the Tehran region"
    Rohlah Amirifard, Habib Rahimi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  81. "Estimating parameters of velocity spectral attenuation relation in Zagros Region"
    Mohammadreza Najafetomraei, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  82. "Estimation of Quality factor for coda waves (Qc) in Tehran"
    Soodabe Shanaki, Habib Rahimi, Mohamad Reza Sepahvand, Noshin Najafipour, Vahid Gholami
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  83. "Estimation of quality factor of Coda wave in the northeast of Iran"
    Emad Alikhani, Habib Rahimi, Aydin Kahbasi
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  84. "Investigation of variation of coda wave attenuation in the Zagros region"
    Mohsen Ahmad Zade Iran Dost, Habib Rahimi, Farhad Sobuti
    16th conference of geophysics in Iran, 2014
  85. "Estimation of frequency-dependent quality factor for shear waves in Tabriz region using accelerograms of Ahar-Varzghan Earthquake (2012)"
    Neda Masominia, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    8TH Association of geological engineering and ecologically environment of Iran, 2013
  86. "Analyses of strong motion data from Varzghan earthquake (1391) to determine source parameters and shear wave attenuation"
    Neda Masominia, Habib Rahimi, Mehdi Rezapour
    International earthquake conference, 2013
  87. "Estimation of shear wave quality factor in Hormozghan region South of Iran"
    مهدی راستگو, حسین حمزلو, Mehdi Rezapour, Habib Rahimi
    1th International Conference Urban Construction in the Vicinity of Active Faults, 2011