Zaher Hasan Shomali

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Zaher Hasan Shomali

Institute of Geophysics / Department of Seismology

Journal Papers

  1. "Seismic source analysis and directivity of the November 2021 Fin doublet earthquake in southern Iran: challenges and findings"
    Elham Sabouri, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 1, No 1, 2024
  2. "Moderate earthquakes striking Tehran metropolitan area: a case study of 2017 Malard and 2020 Damavand seismic sequences"
    Bita Niazpour Mohassel, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 28, No 1, pp.103-117, 2024
  3. "3-D body-wave tomography from the seismic ambient noise recorded by a dense array in the Dehdasht area, Iran"
    Ali Riahi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Anne Obermann, Ahmad Kamayestani
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 234, No 2, pp.1332-1341, 2023
  4. "Spatial and Temporal Variation of Seismic Ambient Noise in Tehran Region for Frequency Range 1-30 Hz"
    Mehrasa Masih, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Esmaeil Bayram Nezhad
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.33-45, 2023
  5. "The Magnitude Threshold for Detecting Recorded Earthquakes in Tehran's Accelerometer Networks"
    Mehrasa Masih, Hossein Kianimehr, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Esmaeil Bayram Nezhad
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 48, No 4, pp.47-54, 2023
  6. "Integrated analysis of surface wave velocity and gravity data for the development of new density-velocity models of the crust and upper mantle in SE Iran"
    slomayyeh Abdollahi, Hermann Zeyen, Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. X7, No 100101, 2022
  7. "The 2007 Kahak and 2010 Kazerun Earthquakes: Constrained Non-Negative Least- Squares Linear Finite Fault Inversion for Slip Distribution"
    Sonia Bazargan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 47, No 4, pp.15-30, 2022
  8. "Simultaneous retrieval of body and surface waves in the Dehdasht area, Iran, from the seismic ambient field and the observation of spurious artefacts"
    [] [], Zaher Hasan Shomali, Anne Obermann, Ahmad Kamayestani
  9. "Feasibility study of earthquake early warning in Tehran, Iran"
    سید سروش انفرادی, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Alireza Nikseje
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 25, No 4, pp.1127-1140, 2021
  10. "Comment on “Quick Estimation of the Magnitude and Epicentral Distance Using the P Wave for Earthquakes in Iran” by Reza Heidari"
    Sahar Nazeri, Jamaledin Baniamerian, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol. 111, No 3, pp.1661-1662, 2021
  11. "On the strength of the phase cross-correlation in retrieving the Green’s function information in a region affected by persistent aftershock sequences"
    Amir Ali Hamed, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ali Moradi
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 25, No 3, pp.987-1003, 2021
  12. "Hidden layer imaging using joint inversion of P-wave travel-time and electrical resistivity data"
    Mostafa Yari, Majid Nabi Bidhendi, Reza Ghanati, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 19, No 3, 2021
  13. "Horizontal displacement effect in tsunami wave generation in the western Makran region"
    Amin Rashidi, Denys Dutykh, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.427-439, 2020
  14. "Towards a regional, automated full moment tensor inversion for medium to large magnitude events in the Iranian plateau"
    Alireza Niksejel, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Simone Cesca, Ali Moradi
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  15. "A Review of Tsunami Hazards in the Makran Subduction Zone"
    Amin Rashidi, Denys Dutykh, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Nasser Keshavarz Farajkhah, Mohammadsadegh Nouri
    GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 10, No 9, 2020
  16. "Source study of 2017 Hojedk triplet earthquake sequence, southeast Iran"
    Bita Niazpour Mohassel, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Simone Cesca
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 1, No 1, 2020
  17. "Rapid Estimation of the Epicentral Distance in the Earthquake Early Warning System around the Tehran Region, Iran, errata"
    Sahar Nazeri, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 91, No 4, pp.2438-2438, 2020
  18. "Tsunami hazard assessment in the Makran subduction zone"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Denys Dutykh, Nasser Keshavarz Farajkhah
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 100, No 2, pp.861-875, 2020
  19. "Slip distribution of the 2010 August 27 Mw 5:8 Kuh-Zar earthquake from finite-fault modeling"
    Sonia Bazargan, Nazila Asaadi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    Iranian Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 5, No 1, 2019
  20. "Rapid Estimation of the Epicentral Distance in the Earthquake Early Warning System around the Tehran Region, Iran"
    Sahar Nazeri, Zaher Hasan Shomali
  21. "3D joint inversion of gravity data and Rayleigh wave group velocities to resolve shear-wave velocity and density structure in the Makran subduction zone, south-east Iran"
    Somyeh Abdolahi, Hermann Zeyen , Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 173, No 173, pp.275-290, 2019
  22. "Crustal and upper mantle structures of Makran subduction zone, SE Iran by combined surface wave velocity analysis and gravity modeling"
    Somayeh Abdollahi, Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Herman Zeyen, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 747-748, No 748, 2018
  23. "Evaluation of tsunami wave energy generated by earthquakes in the Makran subduction zone"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Denys Dutykhc, Naser Keshavarz Farajkhah
    OCEAN ENGINEERING, Vol. 165, No 1, pp.131-139, 2018
  24. "Reverse time migration by Krylov subspace reduced order modeling"
    Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Abdolrahim Javaherian, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Roohollah Dehghani Firouz-abadi, Shaban Ali Gholamy
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 151, No 1, pp.298-308, 2018
  25. "Tsunami Simulations in the Western Makran Using Hypothetical Heterogeneous Source Models from World’s Great Earthquakes"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Nasser Keshavarz Farajkhah
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 175, No 4, pp.1325-1340, 2018
  26. "Fault slip and identification of the second fault plane in the Varzeghan earthquake doublet"
    Samar Amini, Roland Roberts, Mohammad Raeesi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Bjorn Lund, Zoya Zarifi
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 22, No 4, pp.815-831, 2018
  27. "Acoustic wave propagation simulation by reduced order modelling"
    Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Abdolrahim Javaherian, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Roohollah Dehghani Firouz-abadi, Shaban Ali Gholamy
    EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 49, No 3, 2018
  28. "Magnitude Estimation Based on Integrated Amplitude and Frequency Content of the InitialPWave in Earthquake Early Warning Applied to Tehran, Iran"
    Sahar Nazeri, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Simona Colombelli, Luca Elia, Aldo Zollo
    BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol. 107, No 3, pp.1432-1438, 2017
  29. "Modified imaging condition for reverse time migration based on reduction of modelling time"
    Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Abdolrahim Javaherian, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Roohollah Dehghani Firouz-abadi, Shaban Ali Gholamy
    EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 100, No 1, pp.1-12, 2017
  30. "Near surface radial anisotropy in the Rigan area/SE Iran"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Ali Riahi, Maziar Jarrahi
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 694, No 694, pp.23-34, 2017
  31. "3D crustal structure of the northwest Alborz region (Iran) from local earthquake tomography"
    Meysem Rezaeifar, Edi Kissling, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Majid Shahpasand-zadeh
    Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-12, 2016
  32. "Investigating the role of source mechanism, surface topography, and attenuation on the observed PGA pattern in May 28, 2004, Mw 6.2 Baladeh earthquake (Iran)"
    Ehsan Karkuti, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 20, No 2, pp.495-510, 2016
  33. "Extracting Stable Seismic Core Phases from Ambient Seismic Noise"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
  34. "Near-surface VS structure by inversion of surface wave estimated from ambient seismic noise"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mojtaba Naghavi, Rahim Norouzi
    Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 13, No 2096, pp.447-453, 2015
  35. "Ambient noise surface wave tomography of the Makran subduction zone, south-east Iran: Implications for crustal and uppermost mantle structures"
    Mahsa Etedal, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Gheytanchi
    Earthquake Science, Vol. 28, No 4, pp.235-251, 2015
  36. "Extracting Seismic Body and Rayleigh Waves from the Ambient Seismic Noise Using the rms-Stacking Method"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 86, No 1, pp.173-180, 2014
  37. "Crustal structure of Damavand volcano, Iran, from ambient noise and earthquake tomography"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, Taghi Shirzad
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.191-200, 2014
  38. "Shallow crustal radial anisotropy beneath the Tehran basin of Iran from seismic ambient noise tomography"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS, Vol. 231, No 231, pp.16-29, 2014
  39. "Shallow crustal structures of the Tehran basin in Iran resolved by ambient noise tomography"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 196, No 2, pp.1162-1176, 2014
  40. "An Application of Ambient Noise and Earthquake Tomography in the Rigan Area, Southeast of Iran"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Ali Riahi
    SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 84, No 6, pp.1014-1020, 2013
  41. "Rapid Estimation of Peak Ground Velocity and Earthquake Location Using Small Magnitude Earthquakes in the Tehran Region, Iran"
    رضا حیدری, Zaher Hasan Shomali, محمد رضا قائم مقامیان
    SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 84, No 4, pp.688-694, 2013
  42. "Magnitude-scaling relations using period parameters  c and  pmax, for Tehran region, Iran"
    رضا حیدری, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammadreza Ghayemghamian
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 192, No 1, pp.275-284, 2012
  43. "High resolution image of uppermost mantle beneath NE Iran continental collision zone"
    Khalil Motaghi , Mohammad Tatar , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ayyoob Kaviani , K Priestley
    PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS, Vol. 208-209, No 1, pp.38-49, 2012
  44. "Earthquake relocation in the Central Alborz region of Iran using a non - linear probabilistic method"
    Maleki Vahid, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Mehrdad Pakzad, Anthony Lomax
  45. "Tomographic upper - mantle velocity structure beneath the Iranian Plateau"
    Samar Amini , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Hemin Koyi , Roberts Roland G
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 554 - 557, No 1, pp.42-49, 2012
  46. "Lg Coda Variations in North - Central Iran"
    Mojtaba Naghavi , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Zare
    International Journal of Geophysics, Vol. -, 2012
  47. "Lithospheric structure beneath the Zagros collision zone resolved by non - linear teleseismic tomography"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, Forough Keshvari , Jamshid Hassanzadeh , Noorbakhsh Mirzaei
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 187, No 1, pp.394-406, 2011
  48. "New constraints on upper - mantle S - velocity structure and crustal thickness of the Iranian plateau using partitioned waveform inversion"
    Navid Shad Manaman , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Hemin Koyi
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 184, No 1, pp.247-267, 2011
  49. "Upper - mantle S - velocity structure across the Zagros collision zone resolved by nonlinear teleseismic tomography"
    Forough Keshvari , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Tatar , Ayoub Kaviani
    JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.329-339, 2011
  50. "Upper mantle S - velocity structure and Moho depth variations across Zagros belt Arabian - Eurasian plate boundary"
    Manaman Navid Shad , Zaher Hasan Shomali
  51. "Focal mechanisms of Mw 65 31 Mar2006 Iran-Silakhor earthquake using data from the Iranian seismic network"
    Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali, غلام جوان دلویی
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 35, No 3, 2009
  52. "Glacial long period seismic events at Katla volcano Iceland"
    Kristín Jónsdóttir , Roland Roberts , Veijo Pohjola , Björn Lund , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ari Tryggvason , Reynir Böðvarsson
  53. "Estimation of shear wave quality factor and geometrical spreading applying 24 the Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) for Northern Zagros"
    FATEMEH ABDI, Elham Shabani, Zaher Hasan Shomali, متیو پیکوتزی
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 18, No 5, pp.119-131, 2024
  54. "How to read the reflection phases of Moho"
    Fatemeh Alidoost, Esmaeil Bayram Nezhad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Iranian Journal of Geophysics (IJG), Vol. 17, No 1, pp.109-128, 2023
  55. "Determination of point and extended source parameters of 5 April 2017 Sefid-Sang earthquake (Ml 6.0) in time and frequency domains using KIWI tools"
    Alireza Niksejel, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 46, No 1, pp.1-20, 2020
  56. "Simulation of tsunami generation, propagation and run-up in the western Makran, Part 1: Simulation of the generation"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, ناصر کشاورز فرج خواه
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 44, No 3, 2018
  57. "Simulation of tsunami generation, propagation and run-up in the western Makran, Part 2: Simulation of the propagation and run-up"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, ناصر کشاورز فرج خواه
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 44, No 3, 2018
  58. "Rupture details of 18 June 2007 Kahak and 27 September 2010 North of Kazeroon earthquakes imaged by back-projection of teleseismic P-wave"
    مهسا چناری, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 11, No 4, pp.19-39, 2018
  59. "Joint two-dimensional electrical resistivity and seismic S-wave travel times inversion to characterize near-surface heterogeneities"
    Mostafa Yari, Majid Nabi Bidhendi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Logman Namaki
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 44, No 1, pp.53-69, 2018
  60. "An investigation on the effect of topography on ground motion amplitudes, using 3D simulation of seismic waves in Tehran"
    Ehsan Karkuti, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.20-32, 2017
  61. "Love wave tomography of the Makran subduction zone from ambient seismic noise"
    Mahsa Abdetedal, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Gheytanchi
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 102, No 102, 2016
  62. "Earthquake relocation of Varzaghan-Ahar Mw 6.5, Mw 6.3 and their aftershocks using probabilistic nonlinear algorithm"
    Saeed Soltani Moghadam, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 9, No 3, pp.143-159, 2015
  63. "Estimation of quality factor Q, using Lg coda for the northern part of Iran (Kopeh Dagh, Alborz, Azarbayejan and Caspian Sea block)"
    Fayezeh Shir Mohammadi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 41, No 1, pp.131-145, 2015
  64. "‫‪Site characterization of the source microtremors using the H/V method‬‬"
    Reza Heidari, Mohammad Reza Ghaymaghamiyan, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.74-85, 2014
  65. "Determination of ambient seismic noise directionality in the Central- Alborz/Iran using cross-correlation functions"
    Taghi Shirzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 8, No 3, pp.86-98, 2014
  66. "An investigation of f actors a ffecting the i nversion of a c omplex e arthquake s ource u sing s ynthetic s eismograms"
    Amireh Sayali, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 4, No 7, pp.124-148, 2013
  67. "Determination of local magnitude scale, ML, for north-west Iran using accelerograms"
    Mahboobe Sharifi, Esmaeil Bayram Nezhad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 39, No 3, pp.1-14, 2013
  68. "Relative moment tensor inversion method using synthetic data and its application to the aftershocks of the Faryab Earthquake on February 28, 2006 (Mw 6.0)"
    Ali Rezaei Nayeh, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 7, No 1, 2013
  69. "Nonlinear versus linear local earthquake location and uncertainty calculation using simulated data"
    Vahid Maleki, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 6, No 3, 2012
  70. "Relocation of the aftershocks of Mohamad Abad Rigan Earthquake December 20, 2010, (Mn = 6.5) using a nonlinear method"
    Vahid Maleki, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 6, No 4, 2012
  71. "Analysis of local earthquake relocation method using a nonlinear method: an application to relocate earthquakes with Mn >= 4.0 in Central Alborz region (2006-2010)"
    Vahid Maleki, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 38, No 4, pp.23-37, 2012
  72. "Determination of stress tensor based on Inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms and implementation in Makran region"
    شاهرخ پوربیرانوند , Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 6, No 2, 2012
  73. "Focal mechanisms of moderate earthquakes with complex sources"
    Babak Hejrani, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 5, No 3, 2012
  74. "3 - D velocity structure of Damavand volcano, Iran, from local earthquake tomography"
    Akram Mostafanejad , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ali Mottaghi
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 42, No 6, pp.1091-1096, 2011
  75. "Three-dimensional structure of the upper mantle shear velocity and depth variations in the Makran region moho"
    نوید شادمنامن , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 37, No 2, pp.153-169, 2011
  76. "تعیین ضریب کیفیت از روی امواج حاصل از زمینلرزه های رخ داده در منطقه البرز مرکزی"
    مجتبی نقوی , Zaher Hasan Shomali, مهدی زارع
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 38, No 1, 2011
  77. "Focal mechanism analysis using synthetic seismograms"
    Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali, غلام جوان دلویی
    Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, Vol. 35, No 1, pp.75-88, 2009
  78. "ACH"
    فروغ کشوری , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei
    Cells and tissues, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.59-73, 2009

Conference Papers

  1. "Crustal and upper mantle structures of SE Iran by combined surface wave velocity analysis and gravity modeling"
    Somayeh Abdollahi, Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Herman Zeyen, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    NIGS 19, 2020
  2. "Imaging deep structures of Makran subduction zone by 3D joint inversion of gravity data and Rayleigh wave group velocities"
    Somayeh Abdollahi, Herman Zeyen, Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    NIGS 19, 2020
  3. "Simultaneous body and surface wave retrieval from the seismic ambient field and discrimination from unavoidably arising spurious artifacts"
    Ali Riahi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Anne Obermann, Ahmad Kamayestani
    EGU General Assembly 2020, 2020
  4. "Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard of Splay and Normal Faults in the Western Makran/Iran"
    [] [], Denys Dutykh, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Nasser Keshavarz Farajkhah
    The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium, 2020
  5. "Emergence of direct P-phase from seismic ambient noise in Dehdasht area"
    [] [], Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ahmad Kamayestani
    8 th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE8), 2019
  6. "Hydrocarbon Exploration Using Passive Seismic Methods; from Tomography to Imaging"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, احمد کمایستانی , Javad Jamali, [] [], Fatemeh Hosseini
    8 th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE8), 2019
  7. "Slip distribution of two moderate earthquakes occurred in Iran from finite fault modeling"
    Sonia Bazargan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    3th Trigger International Conference, 2019
  8. "Spatial distribution of slip for the 2010 August 27 Mw 5.8 Kuh-Zar earthquake"
    Sonia Bazargan, Nazila Asaadi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    3TH Trigger International Conference, 2019
  9. "Hydrocarbon Exploration Using High Resolution Local Passive Seismic Tomography; An application to the Dehdasht region, southwest Iran"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ahmad Kamayestani, Ghasem Heydari
    2nd TRIGGER International Conference,, 2018
  10. "Near-field impacts and tsunami hazard from a range of Makran kinematic earthquake scenarios"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Naser Keshavarz Farajkhah
    European Geosciences Union , EGU, 2018
  11. "Determination of slip distribution in two moderate earthquakes"
    Sonia Bazargan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, 2016
  12. "Seismic data inversion to determine slip distribution of the 18 June 2007 with magnitude Mw5.5 and 27 September 2010 with magnitude Mw 5.9"
    Sonia Bazargan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2016, 2016
  13. "2D tomography of quality factor using Lg coda for northern part of Iran"
    Fayezeh Shir Mohammadi, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    Second European Conference on earthquake engineering and seismology, 2014
  14. "Real-time seismic data processing using seiscomp3 in Central Alborz region/Iran"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, احمد اعلا امجدی, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    EGU-General Assembly 2012, 2012
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, احمد اعلا امجدی, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    ESC Moscow 2012, 2012
  16. "Stress and strain studies in the Zagros region southwest Iran"
    شاهرخ بیرام وند, Bgorn Lund , Zaher Hasan Shomali, Thora Arnadottir , محمد تاتار
    EGU-General Assembly 2012, 2012
  17. "The characteristics of three different subduction zones in Iranian 16:00 plateau"
    Navid Shadmanan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei
    14 th Iranain Geophysical Conference, 2010
  18. "Earthquake Early Warning Magnitude Estimation Using Machine Learning and Amplitude- and Frequency-Dependent Parameters"
    بیتا نیازپور, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ali Moradi, Iman Soltani Mohammadi
    21 st Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2024
  19. "Estimation of shear wave quality factor applying Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) in north Zagros"
    FATEMEH ABDI, متیو پیکوتزی, Elham Shabani, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    20th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2022
  20. "Induced Seismicity in Oil and Gas Extraction"
    بیتا نیازپور, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    4th Seminar on Applied Geophysics in Petroleum Exploration, 2019
  21. "The feasibility of using the PRESTo as earthquake early warning system With an approach to reducing earthquake damage in oil rich"
    سید سروش انفرادی, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    4th Seminar on Applied Geophysics in Petroleum Exploration, 2019
  22. "Evaluation of Ambient Seismic Noise Level in Oil and Gas Extraction Activities"
    ثمین سادات ابوالمعالی, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    4th Seminar on Applied Geophysics in Petroleum Exploration, 2019
  23. "Investigation of deep structures of shear wave velocity and density and estimation of Moho depth variations in Makran region"
    Somyeh Abdolahi, Vahid Ebrahimzadeh Ardestani, Zaher Hasan Shomali, هرمان زین
    the 18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  24. "Tsunami waves energy produced by seafloor displacement in the Makran subduction zone"
    Amin Rashidi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, دنیس دوتیخ, ناصر کشاورز فرج خواه
    the 18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  25. "An empirical magnitude estimation for 7.3 Mw Kermanshah earthquake of 11th December 2017 using Period and Amplitude parameters"
    Tara Avazzadeh, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    the 18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  26. "Hydrocarbon Exploration Using High Resolution Local Passive Seismic Tomography; An Application to the Dehdasht Region, South-West Iran"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ahmad Kamayestani, Ghasem Heydari
    the 18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  27. "Evaluation of the PRESTo for the Tehran region using the acceleration data of the TDMMO network"
    مهدی ناظری, Zaher Hasan Shomali, سحر ناظری, رحیم نوروزی
    the 18th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2018
  28. "tmp"
    Tara Avazzadeh, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    National Conference on Construction in Eartthquake-Prone Areas, 2017
  29. "An application of PRobabilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem (PRESTo) for 2011-02-20 Mn 4.0 Sharif-Abad earthquake"
    Sahar Nazeri, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Aldo Zollo, Luca Elia
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  30. "Estimation of slip distribution of 2007 Kahak-Qom and 2010 Kazerun earthquakes"
    Sonia Bazargan, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehdi Rezapour
    17 th Conference of Geophysics Iran, 2016
  31. "Frequency domain reverse time migration"
    Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Abdolrahim Javaherian, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Shabanali Gholami
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  32. "Magma Chamber Investigation of Damavand Volcano"
    Mohsen Farkhi, Hossein Hamzelou, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Habib Rahimi, Mostafa Alame Zade
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  33. "Rupture process of 2007/06/18 Mw 5.5 earthquake, imaged by back-projection method"
    Mahsa Chenari, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  34. "Relative moment tensor inversion for some earthquakes in Javadabad"
    Ali Rezaei Nayeh, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  35. "Tehran Shallow Crustal structure and precise location of explosion sources in SE of Tehran"
    Saeed Soltani Moghadam, Mohammad Tatar, Farzam Yamini Fard, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    17th Geophysics Conference of Iran, 2016
  36. "The possibility of tsunami in the Sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf"
    Amin Rashidi, Naser Keshavarz Faraji Khah, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    The Second Marine Medical Congress with Military Medicine Approach in dealing with Unconventional Threats in the Persian Gulf, 2015
  37. "Reduction of computation and time of modeling in prestack reverse time migration"
    Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Abdolrahim Javaherian
    16th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2014
  38. "Spatial distribution of slip occurred in Rigan earthquake (29 Azar 1389 Mw 6.5)"
    Elham Khosravi, Mehrdad Pakzad, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    16th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2014
  39. "2D Tomography of Quality Factor using Lg coda for Northern Part of Iran (Kopeh Dagh, Alborz, Azarbayejan)"
    Fayezeh Shir Mohammadi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    16th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2014
  40. "Rupture process in Saravan earthquake (26 Farvardin 92, Mw 7.5) using finite fault modelling"
    Mitra Giahchi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Mehrdad Pakzad
    16th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2014
  41. "Seismic monitoring of the Damavand volcano"
    Mojtaba Naghavi, Zaher Hasan Shomali, Ali Moradi
    Second international conference on environmental hazards, 2013
  42. "Relocation of the aftershocks of Ghom-Kahak 28 Khordad 1386 earthquake using nonlinear grid-search method"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, وحید ملکی, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    15th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2012
  43. "Earthquakes relocation with Mn≥4 in eastern Alborz and Kope Dagh"
    امید قربانعلی زاده, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    15 th Iranian Geophysical Conference, 2012
  44. "Relocation of the earthquakes of southern Zagros (26-31 N,50-55 E) by The probabilistic nonlinear method"
    Mohammad Reza Hatami, hadi hosseini, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    15 th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2012
  45. "Real-time Seismic Data Processing using Seiscomp3 in Central Alborz"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, احمدعلا امجدی, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    15 th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2012
  46. "An application of relative moment tensor inversion for some earthquakes in Qeshm region"
    Zaher Hasan Shomali, علی رضایی نایه, Mohammad Reza Hatami
    15 th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2012
  47. "Local earthquakes location using non-linear method: An application to the 2009"
    وحید ملکی, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    14th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2010
  48. "Main fault plain determination using H-C geometrical method and its application for Esfand 4,1383 Zarand earthquake of Iran"
    بابک هجرانی, Mohammad Reza Hatami, Zaher Hasan Shomali
    14th Iranian Geophysics Conference, 2010