Astronomy and Solar Physics Research Division - موسسه ژئو فیزیک geophysics
Astronomy and Solar Physics Research Division
Astronomy and solar physics research division
24 11 2014 21:55
کد خبر : 10075902
تعداد بازدید : 120
The Department of Solar Physics and Astronomy has been created since 1342 as the Department of Solar Physics at the University of Tehran's Geophysics Institute, This section has been created to increase the scope of research in various astronomical, solar, and solar-terrestrial fields. The first telescope was purchased in 1342 and the solar observatory (1347-1384) was the first subsidiary of this section. The key expenses for constructing the main building of this unit was paid by the late doctor Hussein Keshi Afsharz, founder of the Institute of Geophysics, and his wife, Azizma, on the site of the Institute. The calculation of the Wolf coefficient and the study of solar activity have been among the activities of this observatory.
Solar Observatory Institute of Geophysics
Goals and goals:
The study and understanding of the sun, and related planetary systems is one of the major research objectives of this unit. On the other hand, the emergence of supercomputers has helped this unit to solve the hidden secrets of the sun and promising advances in space research.
main study fields:
The Sun's Atmosphere - Solar Winds - Toroidal Flames - Solar Electromagnetic Radiations, including Alphon Waves
Sephardum ion and Plasma Sepehrzmine - The interactions of the Earth's sun
Space Plasma - Magnetic Links
Polar Radiation - Magnetic Storm - Space Climate - Cosmic Radiation
Planets - Magnetosphere - The interaction of the sun - Comets
Astrophysical plasma including absorbent discs
research priorities:
Understand the magnetic bonding.
Magnetic resonance bonding is a change in the field of magnetic field configuration that releases the magnetic energy stored in the plasma.What are the basic physical and pathological processes of magnetic reconnection?How do the plasma and particles become hot?
How much is the energy transmitted from the Horosphere to the magnetosphere of the planet?
There are many places in the solar system where the interactions between the particle and the gland are very effective on the behavior of the whole system. The result of these collisions is the transfer of energy and momentum between their sets. When charged and neutral particles exist in the presence of a magnetic field, the magnetic mobility of the plasma moves inwards, and the inter-plasma and neutral gas forces produce complex electrodynamic interactions. Such interactions have a detrimental effect on the spatial distribution of plasma, and the result is instability.
Basic issues:
What are the laws governing the coupling of neutral and ionized particles?
How do magnetosphere and ion systems interact with each other?
How is the interaction between the heliosphere and the interstellar medium?
Section members
Faculty Members:
Dr. Mohammad Javad Kalai